Mental Health in
Times of Isolation
CoCo Tablet's Video calls,
Family Messaging, and Photo
Sharing keep seniors happy
and connected with their friends
and families.
It's easy to make and receive video calls and messages. It can be used anytime without staff having to schedule and initiate video calls. Caregivers can also virtually check-in about any issues they may have uncovered.
During an Emergency
In the event of an Emergency, CoCo creates a video conference with the senior's Emergency Care Team (ECT), enabling the senior to speak to their team and know that help is on the way. Simultaneously, the senior's and each ECT member's location are provided in the Emergency Care Console with the senior's real-time vital signs, so the team is better equipped to deal with the situation.
ECT Alert
Peace of Mind for Caregivers and Families
No matter where seniors go or what they do, CoCo is their Constant Companion. Seniors stay active and more independent, while their families and caregivers are always connected so everyone knows that the seniors are safe and well.
Health and
Safety Alerts
Health and Safety Alerts
The Health and Safety Monitoring Service makes it easy for seniors to understand their health and detects issues that indicate potential concerns.
Sophisticated analytics software understands seniors normal state of health and provides alerts to caregivers at the first sign of trouble.
Family Messaging
CoCo makes it easy for your clients and their families to share throughout the week.
Keeping up with their busy lives and sharing what’s on each person’s mind whenever they want.
Photo Sharing
Your clients and their families can now share photos and videos within the family group as easily as sending a text message.
Remote Admin
Even with our easy set-up, it could still be challenging to comprehend all the details of a modern mobile App.
Luckily, we make it easy for seniors by delegating the management of settings to trusted friends, family members, or caregivers if desired.
Free for Caregivers, Friends, and Families
To stay connected to the senior, Caregivers, Friends, and Families will simply download CoCo Mobile App to their smartphones. Download for free at the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.