Emergency Contacts and Emergency Call

Check Emergency Contacts

Click “Emergency” to enter Emergency page. If there is no ECT contact, please add first.

Enable related permissions

All the related permissions should be enabled during the initial installation.
The related permissions of ECT: Camera, Video, GPS, Microphone, Speaker, Notifications,
Bluetooth (for Senior’s BT1 connection), and display on top permission for Android devices.

Start ECT call from CoCo BT1

Click “Call ECT” to start ECT call.

For Android devices, this page will pop up automatically.

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When the call is answered by Emergency Contact

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Once one Emergency Contact answers the call, the status will be changed from “No response” to “On call” with a distance between the ECT Contact and Senior.

The watch face will show the Senior’s real time Heart Rate, and ECT contact’s status.

Following is the message Emergency Contact got.

Click the message, Call box page will pop up.
The Call box will pop up automatically (for unlocked Android devices)

After Click the “Accept“/“Answer” button, the Video call will start in full screen mode. Click the icon in the top left corner to return to ECT console page.

In ECT console page, the Emergency Contact can find the Senior’s real time heart rate, temperature and location. Also the status of all the ECT contacts.